Invisible Hunger: How Food Insecurity is Affecting College Students And How You Can Help

By Victoria Jones

Victoria Beede writes, “1 in 3 college students do not know where their next meal is coming from. Because of an inability to access typical forms of help for the food insecure, college students are left without resources and government benefits. It is imperative that Christians come alongside struggling college students by providing them with a voice and advocating for policy changes that will help them be heard.”

In Politics, Love Came First: The Legacy of Senator Mark O. Hatfield

By Emily Fromke

The Hatfield Prize is named in honor of the late Senator Mark O. Hatfield of Oregon, who left a lasting legacy as a man of vibrant Christian faith and principled policy commitments. Shared Justice sat down with Multnomah University’s Joe Slavens, who interned with Hatfield, to get behind-the-scenes look at Senator Hatfield’s work and life. Hear surprising anecdotes and funny memories from Slavens in Shared Justice’s recent article — read more on our site!

What the Farm Bill Means for Food Insecurity…And How Christians Can Respond

By Caroline Tichenor

Access to food assistance for 40 million people could be in jeopardy this year. The farm bill, a large piece of legislation that authorizes funding for several food assistance programs every five years, will be up for reauthorization at the end of September, but early debates about the bill have been plagued by partisan disagreements. In the midst of this polarization, Christians can serve others by advocating for strong food assistance programs and fighting food insecurity in their own communities.

Of Faith and Financial Regulations: Why Christians Should Care About the CFPB

By Madeline Pannell

Predatory lending can create dangerous cycles of debt — and for one in five young adults, it already has. To change the trajectory of this youth debt crisis, we should advocate for proper responsibility and accountability between government, the financial industry and consumers.

The Whole of Life: The Case for Extending Medicaid Benefits for Maternal Health

By Ezra Craker

Right now, the United States is facing a maternal health crisis. Christians have the opportunity and duty to support policies, like extending Medicaid coverage to a full year after birth, that honor the dignity of pregnant women and their children.

Made in the Imago Dei: Caring about the workers behind fast fashion

By Madi Allen

Madi Allen’s article on fast fashion and the image of God continues our series on ending human trafficking. When many people think about human trafficking, they may think primarily about sex trafficking since that gets the most attention in the headlines. However, a large portion of the international human trafficking industry actually refers to forced labor. Individuals are tricked or forced to make a difficult decision to work for little to no pay for abusive and demanding companies that keep them trapped as a worker and unable to choose their own employment. They work long hours in often dangerous working conditions and enable these companies to turn a large profit on cheap clothing. Keep reading to learn more.

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