Learning to Disagree: A Conversation with Dr. John Inazu

By Emily Crouch and Robert Strezo

Emily Crouch sat down with Dr. John Inazu to discuss his latest book, Learning to Disagree. Check out the interview here.

New Biden Administration Regulations on Funding FBOs: A Positive Change with Troubling Aspects

By Stanley Carlson-Thies

On March 4, 2024, the Biden administration published a Final Rule that changes the “equal treatment” regulations governing the use of federal funds to pay for social services. The Trump administration had modified the regulations to make it easier for faith-based organizations to win funding; the Biden administration has now modified the regulations to better protect service beneficiaries from unwanted religious involvement while retaining some of the Trump improvements. The new Biden regulations continue to require a level playing field for FBOs in funding decisions but do have some concerning features. The changes come into effect on April 3, 2024. […]

Welcoming The Foreigner: An Interview With Dr. Ruth Melkonian-Hoover

By Robert Strezo

Welcome to the Academics Corner! CPJ’s ongoing series sharing the good work that Christian academics are doing to promote public justice from their research to the lecture hall. RS: Could you tell us about how you first got involved with the Center for Public Justice? RMH: I was on the American Studies Program [in Washington D.C.] and then worked for the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities for a while. That’s when Jim [Skillen] had what was then the Association for Public Justice (APJ). And they were right next door, so we had some good interactions. Then, as I went […]

A New Debt Epidemic: The Risky Wager Of Online Sports Betting

By Robert Strezo

Sports betting is having an enormous impact on society and it is disproportionately impacting the lives of young men who are less risk-averse and interested in sports.

The Reenchantment of Religious Freedom: What the Becket Religious Freedom Index Reveals About Our Shared Commitments to Seek the Sacred Across Difference

By Chelsea Langston Bombino

My just-turned-four-year-old has fallen in love with the classic folk tale “Henny Penny,” or as it’s more frequently called in the United States, “Chicken Little.” For days, I’ve been immersed in washing dishes, going on nature walks, and playing in pillow forts to the repeated, joyful chanting of: “Foxy Loxy, Goosey Loosey! The sky is falling! The sky is falling!” Religious Freedom and Fairy Tale Archetypes This classic tale, originally captured by the Grimm brothers, oddly brought to mind an article I co-authored with my colleague Stanley Carlson-Thies in response to the Supreme Court’s 2015 same-sex marriage ruling. The title, […]

Tax-Exempt Status Needs Protection for Diverse Faith-Based and Community-Based Civil Society Organizations

By Chelsea Langston Bombino

In mid-January 2024, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and colleagues introduced the Safeguarding Charity Act to advance the independence of America’s tax-exempt organizations. Senator Rubio stated: “Civic organizations like churches, schools, and charities are crucial to our communities. I remain concerned by recent court decisions that could subject these organizations to burdensome federal regulations simply because they are tax-exempt. My Safeguarding Charity Act would protect these organizations from the government’s politicized battles so they can continue their vital work in our communities.”  According to Greg Baylor, Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) Senior Counsel and Director of the ADF Center for Religious […]

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