Orchestrating Harmony in Your Plan
Every symphony, no matter how grand, starts with the clarity of individual players.
Long before the music flows, the conductor ensures every musician understands their part in the masterpiece and how they can be in tune with one another to achieve perfect harmony.
Likewise, as the conductor of your estate plan, you can create a beautiful melody for your loved ones. Gathering your loved ones for a family meeting allows you to share your values, clarify your goals, and discuss the specifics of your will or trust. You create harmony, thereby offering your family a lasting gift of peace and clarity.
A family meeting also prevents the unnecessary heartache, division and chaotic dissonance that too often breaks families apart. Imagine the relief your loved ones will someday feel, having clear instructions about your wishes and how you want them to be fulfilled!
A family meeting doesn’t have to be as complex as a symphony. It might involve the guidance of a trusted advisor, or it could be as simple as sitting down with your adult children and grandchildren for an open, honest conversation. Consider who should be involved, where to meet, and how much to share — whether it’s the full details of your plan or just the broad strokes.
By taking the time to harmonize now, you ensure that your legacy is carried out with love and respect, free from unnecessary confusion or conflict.
Need help getting started? Call us at 202.695.2667 or email dawn.brotherton@cpjustice.org to request the “Sharing Your Estate Plan with Your Family” worksheet for planning your family meeting.