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Family-Supportive Workplaces

God’s Call to Work and Family

God calls people to work and intends work to benefit God’s people and the families they support. In some contemporary workplaces, unfortunately, family is an afterthought. 

We have assembled practical guidance for employers and employees who are building family-supportive workplaces.

Webinar: Family-Supportive Practices

How well do faith-based organizations do when it comes to providing  family-friendly cultures and workplace policies?  With researchers at Seattle Pacific University’s Center for Integrity in Business, we surveyed family-supportive practices in four types of faith-based workplaces: educational institutions, healthcare institutions, charitable service providers, and congregations.

Resource Guide for Faith-Shaped Employers

To create this Resource Guide, we surveyed and interviewed faith-shaped employers – for-profit and nonprofit organizations – who are working to align their workplace practices with their family values. You will be able to:

  • Assess your workplace 
  • Learn about other faith-shaped employers’ practices
  • See sample policies that reflect pro-family values

Family-Supportive Practices in the Sacred Sector

Principles for Family-Supportive Policies

Protecting Time to Care

The Case for Paid Family Leave

Time to Flourish: Protecting Families’ Time to Work and Care

Called to Care: Honoring Elders and the Family Care Journey


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