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Faith-Based Community Development in America’s Heartland: An Interview with Seven Baskets CEO Jeff Mansel

Seven Baskets is a faith-based nonprofit focused on community development in Columbus, Ohio whose mission is “to transform Ohio’s urban centers through dynamic partnerships with neighborhood schools and community involvement.” Seven Baskets embodies seven guiding principles for transformation in their work: neighborhood, presence, dignity, empowerment, holistic, team and faith-based. This vital, community-based ministry recently became a member of the 2019 Sacred Sector Community.

A Delayed Payday Lending Rule and What it Means for Borrowers

Each year approximately 12 million Americans take out a payday loan. Today, August 19, 2019, marks the date that borrowers should have been afforded some relief and protection from this […]

God’s Good Purpose for Authority

PJR Vol. 1 2017, Distinctive Christian Citizenship Series Timothy Sherratt Timothy Sherratt is Professor of Political Science at Gordon College and author of Power Made Perfect? Is there a Christian Politics for […]

Principled Pluralism, the Image of God, and the Golden Rule

When I first learned about principled pluralism, I immediately became defensive. I assumed it was nothing more than moral relativism or religious inclusivism. How can people value truth claims while […]

Political Discipleship: Advocating for Cash Bail Reform

In our criminal justice system, cash bail is money paid as a deposit for the release of an individual who has been arrested. Cash bail was originally instituted to ensure […]

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