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3 Wills That Won’t Work

Don’t Make These Planning Mistakes!  

What a relief! If you have a completed will or trust, you know the peace that comes from having a plan in place.

But before you check “will planning” off your to-do list, make sure you aren’t settling for one of these not-so-helpful documents.

  1. The Will That Misses the Mark. Your will or trust determines the next stewards of your God-given resources. Through it, you care for the needs of your loved ones, and you can support the Center for Public Justice and other ministries close to your heart. Does your will reflect your values, priorities and passions? Make sure it accomplishes what matters most to you.
  • The Will That’s Out of Date. Life changes, and your will should, too. If your goals and circumstances have evolved, or if it’s been more than three years since you last looked at your documents, it’s probably time to dust them off for a thorough review.
  • The Will That’s Lost. If there’s one thing that can render your will useless, it’s if no one knows where to find it. Make sure you tell your family and personal representatives about your plan. Don’t forget to provide them with practical details like where your documents are stored and any lock combinations or keys they’ll need to access them.

Does your will deserve a closer look? Request your complimentary copy of “7 Reasons to Review Your Will” by calling Dawn Brotherton at 202-695-2667 or emailing

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